
May 8, 2011

The Tomorrow Moves Project

If you live in America and would like to win $5,000 this may be of some interest to you.

Have you got a great idea for protecting the environment for tomorrow?

The Tomorrow Moves Project has been set up by CSX (an American Rail Company) who are looking for ideas to help protect the environment that are practical and workable.

You just might have the next big environmental idea rattling around in your head or maybe you have a new take on an old concept?

All you have to do is jump over to their Facebook page and tell them in 200 words or less what your ideas are.

You can submit photos that support your idea and then all you have to do is get people to vote for you.

The 10 best ideas will go into the final and the best 2 will both receive $5,000.

The closing date is 13th May get your thinking caps on!

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