
Oct 17, 2011

Cardboard Star Project

Continuing my obsession with reusing packaging I found this little idea over on grey luster girl.

Image: grey luster girl

All you need is an empty cereal box, some glue and paint colour of your choice.

I think this is a great, cheap alternative to the giant metal star (which is £120 ) that I saw over on Rockett St George, a website selling unique homeware and accessories for your home. 

Image: Rockett St George

So, here's how to make it.
On the cereal box, draw and cut out two stars.  Score both stars from their tips to the indented parts (5 times each star). Push the stars out on the score lines by the tips and push in by the indented parts. There is a tutorial on how to do that here.

Image: grey luster girl

Next, glue the stars together.

Image: grey luster girl
Image: grey luster girl

Once the glue is dry, paint them your color of choice. Distress with ink or the edge of a pencil lead to get that weathered look.

Image: grey luster girl

Not bad for an empty old cereal box.

1 comment:

  1. very useful, also you can glue two stars to be able to hang the decoration and make it look nice if its rotating ;)
