
Nov 21, 2011

Paper Birds Project

My 15 month old son has figured out how to use my wife's mobile phone. He's a genius!

When I say 'use', what I mean is, he can unlock it and push any random number of buttons and 9 times out of 10 successfully connect to someone in Australia.

Because of this my wife has downloaded an free app called ibabyplay that allows him to slide photos (without fear of deleting) and also bang on the touchscreen, making bleeping sounds to his hearts content - which, lets be honest, is so much more entertaining than the plain old house mobile he's had to play with all these months. The poor deprived child.

In fact, he has just become very much mobile himself.
He has started walking (or more accurately - bouncing from wall to wall) and I realise how quickly he is growing up, especially after being reminded of his first mobile (see what I did there) when I saw this idea on Pointless Pretty Things.

Wonderful paper birds that would make a beautiful suspended mobile for a baby's room.

Image: Pointless Pretty Things

It's such an amazingly lovely idea.

Jump on over to Rachel's site for the instructions and some other great ideas.

If you are looking for a great way to suspend the paper birds over a cot then check out this link to 25 free DIY baby mobile tutorials, I'm sure you'll find a few solutions here.

Image: babble


  1. Hi Martin, thanks for the lovely comment and for featuring my paper birds! It always makes my day when one of my ideas is shared! This is such a great concept for a blog, and I will definitely keep reading :)
    Thanks again and hope you're having a lovely start to the week!

  2. Cheers Rachel.
    Yeah, the week is off to a good start. I'll definitely be reading more of your blog over the coming days and look forward to seeing more. I love the rosebud lights as well by the way.
    Thanks again.
